Searched for: Beetle

19 submissions found.

Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


The only known members of an extinct family of beetles have been found in the fossilized faeces of a Triassic reptile. Several Triamyxa coprolithica were spotted in the coprolite, some still sporting their delicate legs and …

Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

The Conversation

A tiny tree-killing beetle with the awkwardly long name of Polyphagous Shothole Borer was detected in South Africa for …

Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -
I found this beetle fed on oil palm leaflets. The photograph was taken in one of oil palm plantation in Asike District, South Papua, Indonesia. Is anyone know the name of this beetle? thank you in advance.
Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -
Dear Pestnetters, Kindly seeking any tentative ID and background information on this beetle. Observed mating on pumpkin crop. The length is about 1cm. Many thanks Mani
Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

Would anyone know what this beetle may be?They were observed damaging mature oil palm fruit bunches. Thanks Mark Kimbe Papua New Guinea

Posted on user's behalf

Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

Science Daily

The specialized diet of a beetle is largely due to bacteria that live inside the insect

A leaf-eating beetle has evolved a symbiotic relationship that allows the …
Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


University of Bonn
Like a snapshot, amber preserves bygone worlds. Paleontologists have now described four new beetle species in fossilized tree resin from …
Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -
The Smithsonian

In some ways, mountain lions—also known as pumas, panthers, catamount or cougar depending on the region its found—can seem like a …

Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

Gardeners commonly use nematodes to naturally get rid of harmful soil-dwelling insects. A new study published today in the journal Functional Ecology revealed that …

Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -
The Hindu (Note there is an error in The Hindu post, with paragraphs missing from that provided by the ICAR site). The text below has been amended to account for the missing paras). …
Found: 'beetle' and inferring: 'beetles'