12 submissions found.
by NanJing Agricultural University Huanglongbing (HLB), caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CaLas), is the No. 1 killer of citrus trees worldwide. HLB causes billions of dollars in annual economic losses to the global citrus industry …
ProMED http://www.promedmail.org
Source: European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) Reporting Service 05/2023/121 [summ. Mod.DHA, edited] https://gd.eppo.int/reporting/article-7594Citrus canker [CC] caused by _Xanthomonas citri_ pv. _citri_ [see …
FreshFruitPortal https://www.freshfruitportal.com/news/2021/04/12/australia-declared-free-from-citrus-canker/
Australia has been declared officially free from citrus canker following remaining restricted areas in the Northern Territory (NT) being …
FreshPlaza https://www.freshplaza.com/article/9232908/canker-quarantine-expanded-in-texas/
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced June 30 it was immediately expanding the area quarantined for …
Key words: Detector dogs, Citrus canker, Australia, Disease eradication
Citrus Australia has welcomed a Federal Government-funded …
In April this year an off-duty plant quarantine officer shopping in his local hardware barn in Darwin saw something for sale that he shouldn …
FreshFruitPortal https://www.freshfruitportal.com/news/2018/04/19/australia-citrus-canker-detected-in-northern-territory/
Citrus canker has been detected in retail nurseries in Australia’s Northern Territory, but to date the disease has only been …The weekly Times https://www.weeklytimesnow..com.au/agribusiness/horticulture/citrus-canker-disease-outbreak-origin-sought/news-story/f56163fe3ff4ea4c81b20baf977a442b
Almost two months after the disease was spotted on a potted lime …
FreshFruit Portal https://www.freshfruitportal.com/news/2018/05/17/citrus-canker-confirmed-on-two-western-australia-properties/
Western Australia’s Department of Primary Industries (DPIRD) has confirmed the detection of citrus canker on two …