Searched for: Evolution

12 submissions found.

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1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

John Innes Centre

The capacity of bacteria to spread disease across the Plant Kingdom may be much more widespread than previously suspected, according to new analysis. 

John Innes Centre researchers took a comparative evolutionary approach, using …

Exact match: evolution
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1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

ByAndrei Ionescu

The Egyptian cotton leafworm (Spadoptera littoralis) – a moth species found throughout the Mediterranean Basin, as well as in Africa and the Middle East – is currently a widespread pest in France. Since moth larvae …

Exact match: evolution
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

Tech Explorist

The position of fleas on the tree of life.

Previous studies had suggested a connection between fleas and anatomically unusual …

Exact match: evolution
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


By Elizabeth Pennisi

Discovering something for the second time might sound like a letdown. Not for ecologists in …

Exact match: evolution
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -
Science news/2018/08/when-beetle-mom- disappears-her-children- become-stronger-and-nicer By Elizabeth Pennisi Aug. 27, 2018 , 1:50 PM
MONTPELLIER, FRANCE—Burying beetles are the supermoms of the insect world. …
Exact match: evolution
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

Phys.Org What can a billion years of coexistence tell us about the evolution of plants and fungi?

Neither plants nor fungi existed on land prior to 800 million years …

Exact match: evolution
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -
Discover Magazine
Roni Dengler
Before they flew, winged insects had to learn to glide. Scientists say they’ve puzzled out the evolutionary path that …
Exact match: evolution
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -
University of I;;impos at Urbana-Champaign
The insects known as Hemiptera are not a particularly glamorous bunch. This group includes stink bugs, bed bugs, litter bugs, scale …
Exact match: evolution
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


Though evolution appears random, multiple mechanisms at play suggest natural selection

Untah Ste University

Is evolution predictable? Are changes in a species random or do they …

Exact match: evolution
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


How and why has life on Earth become ever more complex over time? Darwin's theory has provided us with a general framework for understanding biological evolution, but it …

Exact match: evolution