59 submissions found.
Sustainable Development Solutions Network http://unsdsn.org/news/2018/10/26/outcomes-from-the-fall-armyworm-e-conference/
The SDSN’s Thematic Network on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems hosted a virtual, e-conference on fall armyworm …CABI The Invasives Blog https://blog.invasive-species.org/2018/10/29/fall-armyworm-in-africa-communicating-out-of-a-crisis/ Take a quick look at the map of the fall armyworm invasion. It gives you a good feel for the number of smallholder …
First detected in Africa in 2016, the invasive Fall Armyworm has extended its insatiable appetite to other crops aside from maize, including sorghum and millet. The pest …
A major new report published by CABI has today revealed that losses due to fall armyworm are lower than projected in 2017 and the pest is still primarily focussed on maize rather than any other potential host crops. Better monitoring, swift …
FAO rolls out technology to fight Fall Armyworm
ByDAVID MAFABI | PML Daily Senior Staff Writer Posted on August 15, 2018
MUKONO – After using a temporary pesticide combination to fight against fall armyworm, Farmers in many …
CABI’s experts in the biological control of agricultural pests and diseases have conducted the first major study of potential biological controls that could be used in the fight against the devastating fall armyworm which recently arrived in Africa. …
The Indian Empress https://indianexpress.com/article/india/fall-armyworm-nipping-a-problem-in-the-bud-5385465/ India has to effectively deal with this new insect that can devastate maize and a host of other crops. This pest has been seen in the …
PML http://www.pmldaily.com/news/2018/08/fao-rolls-out-technology-to-fight-fall-armyworm.html
By DAVID MAFABI | PML Daily Senior Staff WriterMUKONO – After using a temporary pesticide combination to fight against fall armyworm, Farmers in …
by winnienunda |
First …
The Fall Armyworm, a very invasive insect pest, has spread rapidly since its arrival in African 2 years ago and now covers almost all of Sub-Saharan Africa. Feeding most destructively on maize, but also on sorghum and …