Searched for: Haplaxius_crudus

2 submissions found.

Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


by American Phytopathological Society

What began as a curious survey of an insect in Florida revealed a much larger network of movement across the Caribbean basin. Haplaxius crudus, commonly known as the American palm cixiid, transmits …

Exact match: haplaxius_crudus
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -
From [Cococnut-L]
Eder Ramos Hernández , Miguel Alberto Magaña Alejandro, Carlos Fredy Ortiz García , Carlos Oropeza Salín , Julia María Lesher Gordillo & Saúl Sánchez Soto (2018) The coconut pathosystem: …
Exact match: haplaxius_crudus
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