Searched for: Mosquito

12 submissions found.

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1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


By James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News

A fungus - genetically enhanced to produce spider toxin - can rapidly kill huge numbers of the mosquitoes that spread malaria, a study suggests. …

Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

Phys.Org mosquito, sworn enemy of exposed ankles and elbows, locates each bloody meal using a finely tuned sense of smell. Yet, not all insects can sniff out vulnerable flesh. …

Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

The Invasives Blog

A new trial experiment undertaken in Australia has been shown to successfully eliminate 80% of the disease-bearing …

Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


The technology Akbari is designing is something called a gene drive. Think of it as a way to supercharge evolution, forcing a genetic modification to spread …

Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -
I have also put a note from ETC about gene drives and their opposition to the technology below the Reuters article. Unfortunately, the ETC note does not describe the technology; it is concerned more with the agencies funding it. 
Reuters …
Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'
Score 0
Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

The Conversation 

It is possible to eradicate malaria? It is a question with which many researchers have grappled, and many ideas have been …
Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


Some methods send sterilized mosquitoes out into the wild, where they mate with females but produce no offspring, thereby causing their numbers to plummet. Other methods use …

Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -

The Conversation April 25, 2018 12.36am AEST Walter FockeProfessor, Department of Chemical Engineering and Director of Institute of Applied …

Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'
Score 0
1/01/0001 12:00:00 AM -


UCR researchers are generating genetically engineered insects to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases

University of California, Riverside As proof of concept, the …

Found: 'mosquito' and inferring: 'mosquitoes'