7 submissions found.
Nature Reviews Microbiology
A plant virus differentially alters DNA methylation in two cryptic species of a hemipteran vector
by Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory Plant-soil-microbe interactions play a crucial role in processes that take place in the soil directly around plant roots, or the rhizosphere, and these processes contribute to nutrient cycling …
by University of Southampton Scientists have engineered the microbiome of plants for the first time, boosting the prevalence of 'good' bacteria that protect the plant from disease. The findings published in Nature …
by University of Southampton Scientists have engineered the microbiome of plants for the first time, boosting the prevalence of 'good' bacteria that protect the plant from disease. The findings published in Nature …
Phys.Org https://phys.org/news/2020-08-microbes-sync-results-disastrous.html
by Sheng-Yang He, The Conversation
Many of us have heard about inflammatory bowel disease, a debilitating condition that is associated with an abnormal collection of …
Phys.Org https://phys.org/news/2018-07- fertilizer-microbiome-ability- disease.html
A new study of the role microbial communities play on the leaves of plants suggests that fertilizing crops may …
Science Daily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180205154151.htm