4 submissions found.
Australia has been locked in a battle to control rabbits since the 1950s. Rabbits cause huge damage to our environment. They compete with native species, overgraze native plants and cause erosion. High rabbit numbers can also help sustain …
Phys.Org by Pat Taggart, Brian Cooke, The Conversation
In inland Australia, rabbits have taken a severe toll on native wildlife since they were introduced in 1859. They may be small, but today rabbits are a key threat to 322 species of …
ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-08-27/rabbits-in-high-numbers-across-adelaide-hills/12601794
ABC Radio Adelaide Increased rabbit numbers in the Adelaide Hills are creating headaches for residents who have reported them in sheds, under houses …
The Conversation https://theconversation.com/tandem-virus-cocktail-kills-pest-rabbits-more-effectively-97930
Farmers, landowners and conservationists across Australia are benefiting from an unexpected, combined effect of two biological controls that …