90 submissions found.
In Rwanda the banana disease BXW is detrimental to a crop and has far-reaching consequences not only for farmers but for the food …
Fusarium TR4 still contained in northern Mozambique The South African banana industry is currently facing a disease threat from two …
Pests continue to thrive in country
By Matthew Vari As much of the attention and focus has been on the coffee berry borer (CBB) pest continues, the country still has other diseases and pests …
FreshPlaza http://www.freshplaza.com/article/185370/Research-reveals-mechanism-making-banana-fungus-less-responsive-to-crop-protection I had to look up the word "concatenated" - it means 'link things together in a chain'
Following the note sent out yesterday on the work at QUT (Queensland University of Technology) Amit Sukal has kindly sent me a link to a paper in Nature Communciation https://www.nature.com/ articles/s41467-017-01670-6
The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/apr/21/banana-fungal-disease-threat-latin-americaBy Oliver Milman Banana experts from around the world have gathered in Florida to find a way to halt a disease that is wiping out the …
The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/25/banana-farming-danger-cavendish-crop-genetics
By Ioannis Stergiopoulos, André Drenth and Gert Kema
The banana is the world’s most popular fruit crop, with over 100m …
The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/nov/16/bananapocalypse-genetic-modification-may-save-12bn-industryBy Michael Slexak A multibillion-dollar banana industry at risk of a deadly disease could be saved by genetic modification …