Réduit, Moka, Mauritius
For your information
6 years ago

A ProMED-mail post
Source: Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute [edited]
<http://www.msiri.mu/ UserFiles/File/Info%20Sheets/ Orange_Rust_Info_sheet.pdf>

Orange rust, caused by the fungus _Puccinia kuehnii_, was observed on
27 Mar 2018 at Reduit [town] on 6 months old plants of a
non-commercial sugarcane variety M 2705/06. Its identity was
thereafter confirmed. This variety also planted in trials at [the
towns of] Valetta, Rose Belle, and Medine presented the same

Orange rust symptoms should not be confused with those of brown rust,
caused by _Puccinia melanocephala_, that tends to affect young canes
Communicated by:

[Orange rust of sugarcane caused by the fungus _Puccinia kuehnii_ has
the potential to cause significant economic losses to the crop.
Symptoms include minute, elongated yellow lesions, which develop an
orange to orange-brown colour as they expand. Most rust pustules occur
on the lower leaf surface with more lesions toward the leaf base.
Disease development is favoured by warm, humid summers and cool
autumns, as well as by rain. The rust spores are rapidly spread by
wind, mechanical means and with contaminated materials. Disease
management includes fungicides and development of resistant cane
varieties suitable to local requirements.

In Australia, _P. kuehnii_ had been present for 100 years, but in
2000, a much more virulent strain emerged devastating the then most
widely grown sugarcane cultivar. Orange rust has been reported since
then from the US (ProMED-mail post
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20070731.2457) and additional countries in
the Americas (see previous ProMED-mail posts listed below), Asia, and
West Africa. The report above may be the 1st identification of the
pathogen in Mauritius.

It is not clear if scenarios similar to the Australian one with
emergence of a new strain of a previously unrecognised endemic
pathogen, have occurred in subsequent cases, or whether the pathogen
has actually been introduced to new areas at various times.
Characterisation and comparison of fungal isolates from the different
areas would be needed to clarify this.

For brown rust caused by the related _P. melanocephala_, colour and
distribution of leaf lesions vary from orange rust, and development of
this pathogen is inhibited by rain.

<http://healthmap.org/promed/ p/64241>,
<http://www.geographicguide. com/pictures/maps/mauritius- map.jpg>, and
<http://www.maurinet.com/ imgabtm/maumap.jpg> (with towns)
Location of Mauritius:
<https://www. mauritiusinsideout..com/images/ xLocation-map-of-Mauritius-in- the-Indian-ocean.jpg. pagespeed.ic.dVvzFWCijc.jpg>

Sugarcane orange rust:
<http://static.catalog.farmis. lt/problems/c/c8/c8c/c8c08d31- b2c8-406b-9fc0-bb733d3b6686. jpg>,
<http://static.catalog.farmis. lt/problems/d/dc/dce/dce76c4e- 3b56-49b3-8d04-485432a03869. jpg>,
<http://amarillo.tamu.edu/ files/2010/11/ OtherSickCropsTX.jpg>, and
<http://www.apsnet.org/ publications/imageresources/ PublishingImages/2011/ FI000130.jpg>
(leaf lesion, close-up)

Information on sugarcane orange rust:
<https://www.cabi.org/isc/ datasheet/45818> (with distribution map),
<http://eprints.qut.edu.au/ 28111/>,
<https://link.springer.com/ article/10.1007%2Fs12033-016- 9914-5>,
<https://link.springer.com/ article/10.1007/s40858-016- 0076-6>, and
<https://link.springer.com/ article/10.1007/s12355-013- 0233-x>
_P. kuehnii_ taxonomy:
<http://www.indexfungorum.org/ Names/NamesRecord.asp? RecordID=243512>
Other fungal taxonomy via:
<http://www.indexfungorum.org/ Names/Names.asp>
- Mod.DHA]

[See Also:
Orange rust, sugarcane - Argentina: 1st rep (MN), (TM) disease survey
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20160119.3947470
Orange rust, sugarcane - Mexico: (TB)
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20121029.1371682
Orange rust, sugarcane - Ecuador: 1st rep.
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20111214.3597
Orange rust, sugarcane - Mexico: 1st rep
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20100426.1342
Orange rust, sugarcane - Brazil (02): spread
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20100401.1041
Orange rust, sugarcane - Brazil: (SP) 1st rep
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20100122.0247
Orange rust, sugarcane - Americas: spread
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20080903.2756
Orange rust, sugarcane - Guatemala: 1st rep.
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20080605.1795
Orange rust, sugarcane - USA (02): widespread in FL
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20070911.3008
Orange rust, sugarcane - USA: 1st report
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20070731.2457
Puccinia sp., sugarcane orange rust - Australia (Qd)
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20010225.0365]
............................... ...................dha/mj/jh
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