Hi everyone
I promised Grahame that I would send a test image to the new Platform, so decided to provide an image of a widespread, but not necessarily well-recognised weed for your information.
The weed pictured is Dipteracanthus prostratus (Poir.) Nees (Acanthaceae), also known by the synonym Ruellia prostrata Poir. which is considered native in India and possibly also East Africa. It is sometimes known as 'bell weed'. It is widely naturalised in northern Australia, as well as PNG and the Solomon Islands. It was probably introduced as an ornamental groundcover. The first naturalisation record for Australia comes from the Weipa district of far north Queensland c. 1997. The flowers are short-lived and usually fall by late morning, and thus are relatively inconspicuous. Plants will grow in the open or in semi-shaded sites and spread by seed and vegetative fragments.
The attached 2 x images provide a close-up view (circled in red) of a flower bud, and open flower and an immature capsule (Image 1) and a more distant view showing its habit (Image 2). Plants will also scramble over adjacent vegetation. Please note that the photos also show another common weed Spermacoce remota (Rubiaceae) which also has square stems and opposite leaves, although the flowers and fruit are quite dissimilar.
Wishing all Pest-Netters a very Happy New Year in 2019.
Barbara Waterhouse
It worked very well for me ! (on PC )
"close-up view (circled in red) of a flower bud": the red circle should be thicker to be well seen