Telesphore Ruzigamanzi, a smallholder banana farmer from a remote village in
Eastern Rwanda, discovered a peculiar yellowish hue on his crop before it
started to dry up, he did not give it the due consideration it deserved.
“I was thinking that it was the
unusually dry weather causing damage to my crop,” Ruzigamanzi, who lives in
Rwimishinya, a remote village in Kayonza district in Eastern Rwanda, tells IPS.But in fact, it was a bacterial
disease.Ruzigamanzi’s crop was infected with
Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW), a bacterial disease that affects all types of
bananas and is known locally as Kirabiranya.
Read on: http://www.ipsnews.net/2018/09/development-ict-innovation-expected-help-fight-banana-disease-rwanda/