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How Do Plants Sense Attacks from Herbivores?

The Science Times

Margaret Davis
Plants have developed their defense mechanisms in protecting themselves from attacks of herbivores. Much of this has involved several elicitor molecules either produced by the predator or by the plants themselves, like an initiation of SOS signals.

Indeed, nature has a way of maintaining balance in the ecosystem. Plants do not just silently allow themselves to be eaten by herbivores as they ward them off by activating defense mechanisms both outside and inside them using ecological cues.

According to Science Dailyresearch was published this year in the journal Trends in Plant Science by Professor Gen-Ichiro Arimura from Tokyo University of Science. Japan explains the herbivory-sensing mechanism of plants through elicitors. He said studying about them has potential in biotechnological applications.

Understanding Plant Defense Mechanisms Against Herbivory

According to NCBI, plants respond to herbivory using various morphological, biochemicals, and molecular mechanisms to either counter or offset herbivore attacks' effects. 

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