Northern Territory is on the road to be declared clear of the banana
freckle disease. Officers from the National Banana Freckle Eradication
Program are currently undertaking the final round of banana plant
inspections to ensure the Territory can be declared free of the disease.Banana
freckle was first detected in the Territory in 2013 and a $26 million
response plan to eradicate the disease was agreed to in October 2014.
The eradication program is currently in its final phase: assessment of
proof of freedom.Department
of Primary Industry and Resources Chief Plant Health Officer Sarah
Corcoran said the Territory is on track to prove banana freckle has
finally been eradicated.“To
be sure that banana freckle has been completely eradicated, during this
final phase of the eradication program inspections needed to be
undertaken on more than 300 properties that were previously infected or
that were in close proximity to infected areas. Those properties are
currently being re-visited." further
quoted her as saying: “Territorians should be extremely proud of what’s
been achieved so far as part of one of the largest plant pest
eradication programs ever attempted in Australia. However as the
Northern Territory is still working towards being declared free of
banana freckle, it is important to maintain good biosecurity practices
and not to unnecessarily move or share banana plants.”Publication date: 3/9/2018