Sydney NSW, Australia
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Control of termites

En mi país El Salvador he visto que funciona bien el uso dw Spinosad A y Spinosad E, extracto de bacterias bajo nombre comwrcial SPINTOR, abrirles los túneles y exponerlos para asperjarles las veces necesarias, la bacteri se desarrolla adentro de la colonia y ellos mismos se contaminan..otra alternattiva es usar 100 mg de acudo borico x kg de aserrin humedecido com Melaza y comocarla cerca de la entrada de los tuneles.

Translated by Google this is (or thereabouts):

In my country El Salvador, I have seen the use of Spinosad A and Spinosad E, an extract of bacteria. It is sold under the trade name SPINTOR. Open the tunnels and apply over the termites as often as necessary. The bacteria develop inside the colony by contamination. 
An alternative is to use 100 mg of boric acid in 1kg (I am supposing this is 1 kg) of sawdust moistened with molasses and leave it near the entrance of the tunnels.

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