A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Fri 16 Mar 2018
Source: FreshPlaza [edited]
<http://www.freshplaza.com/ article/191236/Infested- Chinese-garlic-impounded-in- Indonesia>
Indonesia has impounded more than 200 tonnes of garlic. The garlic was
imported from China in mid-February [2018] and after arriving at
Jakarta's port was shipped to the island of Sumatra, the country's
Agriculture Ministry said.
Despite being certified as free of pests in China, samples of the
shipment contained _Ditylenchus dipsaci_, a microscopic worm that
infects onions and garlic. [The] Ministry stated, "This could be very
damaging to our garlic farming."
communicated by:
[_Ditylenchus dipsaci_ (stem and bulb nematode) is considered one of
the most devastating plant parasites in temperate regions. Several
pathogen races exist affecting more than 450 plant species, including
important vegetable, cereal and legume crops. The onion and garlic
race can also affect peas, beetroot, pumpkins, rhubarb, ornamental
bulbs and several weeds. Symptoms in garlic include yellowing and
necrosis of leaves, bulb scales are loosened, and bulb stems crack.
Young plants can be killed by high infestations. Asymptomatic bulbs
may still contain low nematode levels. Pathogen development continues
during storage of bulbs, which may lead to large crop losses. Affected
tissue is more susceptible to secondary fungal or bacterial rots.
Young nematodes feed on leaves, stems and bulbs, adults move into the
soil once plant tissues become too degraded. They can be spread with
water, soil, planting material or by mechanical means (such as
contaminated equipment). Disease management includes exclusion, long
crop rotations with non-host species, control of potential pathogen
reservoirs, use of certified clean seed bulbs and soil pre-treatment
with nematicides (drenching or fumigation). Thermotherapy of planting
material and systemic nematicides in seed production are being used in
some areas. Eradication of soil nematodes is extremely difficult and
emphasis is often placed on keeping numbers below economically
significant thresholds.
In China, an outbreak of the related potato rot nematode (_D.
destructor_) was reported in 2017 (ProMED-mail post
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20171207.5490078). This species can cause
serious yield losses in potatoes and can also affect a range of other
crops. _D. angustus_, the rice stem nematode, causes an important
disease of deep-water rice ("Ufra"), as well as irrigated and rain-fed
lowland rice, mainly in Asia.
<http://images.nationmaster. com/images/motw/middle_east_ and_asia/indonesia_rel98.jpg>
_D. dipsaci_ symptoms on
- garlic:
<http://nemasociety.com/en/wp- content/uploads/dr.k-00112- 210x300.jpg><
<http://www.extension.umn.edu/ garden/yard-garden/vegetables/ stem-and-bulb-nematode-in- garlic/img/stem_and_bulb_1.jpg >,
<https://2.bp.blogspot.com/- O26NBju27ts/WEGnvqztX5I/ AAAAAAAAAuE/ wGo7ws4wHcAexPWHPNScv29H3lGKPs pjQCLcB/s1600/Picture1.png>
<https://www.fruitandveggie. com/media/k2/items/cache/ d5a450bfc7594b208758b61fbd5c20 27_XL.jpg>
- onions:
<http://www.inra.fr/hyppz/ IMAGES/7031621.jpg> and
<http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/ IPM/images/onions/nematode_ damage2_zoom.jpg>
(compared with healthy)
- leeks:
<http://www.inra.fr/hyppz/ IMAGES/7031620.jpg>
_D. dipsaci_ male, microscopy:
<http://nemasociety.com/en/wp- content/uploads/dr.k-0036- 202x300.jpg>
Additional news story:
article/us-indonesia-china- garlic/infested-chinese-
garlic-imports-kick-up-a- stink-in-indonesia- idUSKCN1GR1DZ>
Information on stem and bulb nematode:
<http://www.agroatlas.ru/en/ content/pests/Ditylenchus_ dipsaci/>,
<http://www.extension.umn.edu/ garden/yard-garden/vegetables/ stem-and-bulb-nematode-in- garlic/>,
<http://www.inra.fr/hyppz/ RAVAGEUR/6ditdip.htm> (including host list)
<http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/ IPM/english/onions/diseases/ bulb_stem_nematode.html>
_D. dipsaci_ pathogen information:
<http://nemaplex.ucdavis.edu/ Taxadata/G042s1.aspx> (with pictures)
_D. dipsaci_ taxonomy:
<http://www.uniprot.org/ taxonomy/166011>
- Mod.DHA]
[See Also:
Potato rot nematode - China: (NM)
http://promedmail..org/post/ 20171207.5490078
Stem nematode, rice - Myanmar: (AY)
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20141114.2954027
Stem & bulb nematode, garlic - USA: (NY)
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20111117.3388
Potato rot nematode, garlic - Canada: (ON)
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20110825.2589
Quarantine pests, new data - EPPO (03): Lithuania 2004
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20051104.3226
Quarantine pests, survey - Bulgaria: 2001-2003
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20040710.1852
Quarantine pests, 2003 - Lithuania
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20040708.1831
Quarantine pests, 2002 - Lithuania
http://promedmail.org/post/ 20030716.1747]
............................... ....................sb/dha/msp/ sh
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